My task was to design and build a website for the UP Baguio Mountaineers to host a virtual running event. Web content was provided but edited by me.

  • Registration Period: April 4 to April 21, 2022

  • Run Period: April 22 to May 8, 2022

Main Requirements

Event Page

  • Poster, overview, background, rationale, mechanics, and FAQ


  • Daily ranking overall and according to category

  • Overall ranking according to category

  • Special awardees

Registration Form

  • Participant Details

  • Shipping Details

  • Payment Details

  • Payment Options - Local & Abroad

  • Registration Fee Computation - Local & Abroad

  • Proof of Payment

  • Consent Forms - For Minors & Waiver

  • Category - 5km, 12km, 21km, 42km, 100km

  • Shirt Sizes & Chart

  • Automatic Email Response

Donation Form

  • Sponsor Details

  • Payment Details

  • Payment Options - Local & Abroad

  • Proof of Payment

  • Consent for Acknowledgements Page

  • Automatic Email Response

Optional: Free shirt for sponsors who donate 2,000 PHP or 40 USD and above

Run Logs

  • Participant Number

  • Category

  • Date

  • Proof of Kilometers Ran for the Day

Proposed Web Pages

  • Home - overview

  • About UPBM - background of the organization

  • Join Our Events - past and present events

    • Run For Trails 2022 - ongoing event

      • Register - automated/intuitive form

      • Donate - automated/intuitive form

      • Log Run - to enable once registration period ends

      • Leaderboard - to enable once registration period ends

  • Get High With Us - contact page

Instead of just an event page, a website dedicated to the organization is better in order to give more information and can serve as a channel for hosting future events.

Created Registration Form Flow

Created Donation Form Flow